When you say Caribbean, you say rum. And when you want a delicious, refreshing cocktail with rum and that’s easy to make, you say Cuba Libre. One of the most easy to make cocktails in the world. You only need three ingredients! But also a cocktail you can make lots of variations with. Want to learn how? I am glad to explain it to you.
My favorite cocktail is the next one.
Cuba Libre the cocktail
Cuba Libre. It’s already in the name. This cocktail is invented in Cuba. One of the stories states that the cocktail saw its first light in a bar in Havana during the Spanish American War. An American captain ordered it. It tasted that good that all soldiers started drinking the same cocktail. While drinking they started yelling ‘Cuba Libre’ and a star was born. After the war, the cocktail became the symbol of the independence of Cuba.
Another story tells the cocktail was invented by The Coca Cola company when the first bottled coke was imported in Cuba. That story also stated that the above mentioned Cuba Libre was a mixture of water with brown sugar. Now a days you can drink this cocktail all over the world. And it is one of the most common known cocktails, mainly because of the easy recipe and the inexpensive ingredients.
Let’s prepare it
Enough said, time to drink! Because it’s five o’clock somewhere…. What do you need? Very simple, nothing special. Check your closets, fridge and freezer for these utilities ingredients:
- long drink glass
- reusable straw
- coke (or coke zero)
- fresh lemon
- some ice cubes
Start by rubbing the top of a long drink glass with a slice of lemon. Squeeze half a lemon en put this in the glass. Fill the glass with some ice cubes, pour 45 cc white rum on top of the cubes. Fill up the glass with coke and garnish with a slice of lemon. As a finishing touch add a straw to the glass. And ready!
Dare to vary
Having so many brands of rum worldwide, it gives you the chance to vary the way you want. Do you prefer a spicy rum or a more neutral one? It is a matter of experimenting what you like the most. A common and easy available, not to expensive brand is Bacardi. An self-called executive of this brand stated he was the inventor of the Cuba Libre, but that’s never been proven. Nevertheless the combination Bacardi with coke became so popular that some even call it a Bacardi Coke and in some countries it is even abbreviated to BaCo. Bacardi has different tastes of rum. Give them all a try and see what’s your favorite.
Some substitutes are for example
- Cuban Special: white rum, lemon juice, pineapple juice and triple sec
- Brandy Cuban: Brandy, lemon juice and coke
- Captain and Coke: Captain Morgan spiced rum and coke
Enjoy life
Drinking a Cuba Libre in the sun is a gift. This drink fits particularly good in a Caribbean surrounding. Regardless the island. Just the typical Caribbean atmosphere.. with flip flops, feet in the sand and some nice sea breeze…enjoy your cocktail!